Cedar White Sage
Cedar White Sage
Cedar wands are used for protection, purification, cleansing, wealth, healing, and prosperity.
White Sage : Cleanse & Purification. White Sage is excellent for meditation, divination, smudging, cleansing and purification.
Cedar: Provides grounding and joy when involved with personal transformation whether internal (new values, attitudes, beliefs) or external (new job, house) and it allows you to 'be' in the present moment.
Cedar is an herb of protection. Cedar trees are very old, wise and powerful spirits. Cedar is often used to cleanse a home or apartment when first moving in, inviting unwanted spirits to leave and protecting a person, place or object from unwanted influences.
It works both as a purifier and as a way to attract good energy in your direction.
Remove negative energy in your home. Cedar cleansing is the fastest and most effective herb for removing negative energy in your home